
Who We Are

Warrior X Radio was created in January of 2023 with the idea in mind to provide a positive alternative to a lot of the music out there that just keeps getting darker and more depressing. It also hopes to show people that good vibes and positivity comes in many different packages, even with guitars, keyboards, steel drums, tattoos, and sometimes some growling vocals. The founder of the station, Josh "Gator" Thompson took well over a decade long spiritual journey through many different religions and spiritualities to come to the realization that even though we may be on different waves we are all swimming in the same ocean. He's always been that guy with a song playing in his head and believes everything in life is music. He is joined by Joel "Dozer" Leonhardt, who always brings the happy and silver lining to any dark cloud, Chris Weed, the philosophy guy, Tony "Goomba" Lafagio, and the kid Jack Jenson aka Just Jack. They are a few guys who have been around the block a couple of times in life and know a thing or two about spirituality, standing up for what you believe in, and having a desire to lift others up when they're feeling down. We hope you enjoy listening, and if you do, please help us spread the word by telling a few people.


What We Do

We want to help you "Elevate Your Life". How do we do that? Well, I'm glad you asked. We want to help promote these bands and the music that inspires hope in times of struggle, joy in times of sadness, and gratitude in your happiest moments. Even though we goof around a lot, Warrior X Radio is dedicated to spreading much love, compassion, and happiness through the music of the phenomenal bands we play and all the content we air. 

We are proud to be partnered with the First United Methodist Church of Hartford WI, click here for their website.



Warrior X Radio - Be Brilliant


Be part of the movement that changes the way people think.